With Ship Logic’s cutting edge technology, it’s never been easier to take control of your courier business. Our Administration Portal allows you to manage everything from shipments, various user roles, accounts and billing, service level and rates setup, to much more. At the heart of our software is our integrated maps feature, which makes it incredibly easy for you to define driver zones, create main and regional areas, outline locations that require a surcharge, and specify areas that are only serviced on certain days. Additionally, Ship Logic includes a wide range of provider settings that allows you to tailor our software to best suit your company’s needs. 


Last updated 2023/07/13 (Still in progress)

Table of Contents


Log in to your Ship Logic account by visiting the Log in page or by using the link provided in your verification email. 

Enter your email and password and click on Log in to continue.

(For first-time users only)

Enter your temporary username and password (Received via email) or click on the link in your email to complete your signup

Set your own password and continue with the log in process.

Note: The password requires 8 or more characters


The Dashboard will open to give you an overview of all your shipments. 

Use the navigation panel on the left to start exploring the system


Quick search waybills, invoices, or credit notes

Quickly find any waybill by manually entering a waybill number or scanning a waybill with the handheld scanner 

Enter the waybill, invoice, or credit note number in the search bar to open that specific item.

To use the scanner, click inside the search bar to activate the scanner, then scan the parcel. You can scan ANY waybill to open its details. 


Our Ops Dashboard is specifically designed for your day-to-day operations, summarised in one view per Branch, per Ops manager, and per Driver. The Ops Dashboard will give you and your operations managers the ability to monitor the drivers and intervene where needed, adding to the already streamlined user experience

With access to all drivers per branch and the shipments that are assigned to each of them, the ops managers can easily open any shipment directly from the Ops Dashboard and update any details to the shipments. All changes that are made on the Ops Dashboard are immediately updated on the driver’s side, allowing the driver to navigate and complete the shipment process from there on.

How to manage the Ops Dashboard

Open the Ops Dashboard and start by selecting the branch you wish to manage.

Ops managers are assigned to branches upon user creation and will see their assigned branch by default.

Set the rest of the filters by selecting them in the dropdown menus.

Select a driver form the list on the left-hand side of the dashboard or use the search bar to search for a specific driver in the list.

Click on the driver to view their shipments on the right.

How to access and manage individual shipments via the Ops Dashboard

Click on a shipment in the list to open and manage it via the Ops dashboard. 

Once opened, the operations manager can update the status, change the drivers, update any address and/or contact details etc, without leaving the Ops dashboard page. Scroll down and view more info on the selected shipment.

Look for the pencil icon to edit. 

How to manage unassigned collections and deliveries

Shipments that have no driver assigned will be listed on the Ops Dashboard under unassigned

To manage these shipments, click on the unassigned tab in red to open the list on your right-hand side.

Click on a shipment to open and assign a driver.

Once a new driver is assigned, click Save in the bottom right corner. 

The shipment will now be assigned and moved to the relevant driver’s collection and deliveries.

How to view a driver's individual performance

Select a driver from the panel on the left and click to view their relevant collections and deliveries.

Find the View driver performance button in the top right-hand corner and click to open. 

View a summary of the driver’s performance and filter between dates to view the driver’s historic trip sheet.

Use the graph and get more info on the driver’s total stops for the day or scroll down to their outstanding tripsheet and see what they still need to get done. 

View the driver’s trend graph to get an overview of their performance over a period of time 

The average uncollected and undelivered shipment lines show the 14-day moving averages for those metrics; the average for any particular day is calculated using the previous 14 days.


With shipments at the heart of your courier business, we’ve ensured that you have a hassle-free experience when using our software. Manage problematic shipments effortlessly by changing or updating addresses and contact details to minimise any failed collection and delivery attempts, saving your company valuable time and money.

The software allows you to capture and upload images related to a shipment to better manage credibility and improve follow-up and resolution times for any issues that might come your way. To make processes even more efficient, operations managers can create their own custom filter sets based on drivers, shipment statuses, and much more to streamline their future workflow.

How to navigate the shipments page

Search for the shipment in the table OR search for the waybill number in the provided search bar. Define your search by using the advanced filters available.

Open the relevant shipment by clicking on it, to view and manage that shipment’s details.

There are some additional options on this page that allows you to download, import or perform some bulk actions

How to create and manage your own custom filter sets

Add custom filters to your shipment page and work with information that is only relevant to you. 

E.g. Use custom filters to:

  • Find and manage problematic shipments
  • View shipments for a specific set of drivers
  • Only view damaged shipments 

Set your desired filters on the main shipment page using our wide range of advanced filters.

Save them to your custom filter set and use them everyday. (See below)

Go to Saved filters in the top right corner and select the dropdown.

Click on Save current filters to save your new filter set.

To delete a custom filter, open your saved filters and click on the bin icon.

On your next visit to the shipment page, open your saved filters and click on one. The page will automatically start searching using your set criteria 

How to create a shipment/waybill

Open the Shipments page and click on the Create shipment button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Start searching for the relevant account by typing the account name and clicking to select.

Complete the collection and delivery details, enter the contact details for both the sender and receiver, and add some special instructions to give more details to the driver.

Scroll down and enter the parcel dimensions and weight, add a description and an optional alternative tracking reference. 

More parcels can also be added here individually or in bulk.

To finalise, click on the Complete shipment button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

Then, choose the relevant service type to determine how fast the shipment should be delivered.


Service level rates are determined by the dimensions of the parcel entered in the above step. 

Lastly, click on Book shipment to complete and create the shipment.

Where to download a shipment's waybill or sticker label

Select the relevant shipment and open to view the shipment details. 

  1. Open the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. 
  2. Click on Download waybill or Download sticker
  3. A PDF file will download to your computer.
  4. Open the file to view the waybill information.

Please allow the pop-up on your browser. The PDF will open in a pop-up and then be able to download or print.

How to reschedule a collection

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the pencil icon next to the Requested earliest collection date.
  2. Change the collection date and time.
  3. Click Save.

The shipment will be assigned to the relevant driver based on this requested earliest collection date.

How to upload POD files to a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. 
  2. Click on Manage POD files
  3. Drag and drop any PDF or Image file(s) or click to open your documents.
  4. Wait for the file to load and then click on Save to complete the upload.

 POD files will be available in the shipment’s tracking events to view and access when needed.

Where to view a shipment's tracking events

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the gear icon  in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on View tracking events.

Switch between shipment and parcel tracking by choosing the relevant option in the dropdown menu.

POD images will be visible in the parcel tracking events.

Where to view a shipment's communication log

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details. 

  1. Open the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on View communication log.

Where to view a shipment's audit trail

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on View audit trail.

The Audit trail captures all changes made on a shipment

How to duplicate a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the gear icon  in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on Duplicate shipment
  3. Create a new shipment with the same shipping details

How to return a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on Return this shipment.
  3. A new shipment is created where the collection and delivery details are swapped, ready to be returned to the sender.
  4. Note the new waybill number assigned to the returned shipment.

Note the new waybill number assigned to the returned shipment.

How to cancel a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details.

  1. Open the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on Cancel shipment
  3. Read the pop-up carefully and either cancel or keep the shipment.

Please note

  • Cancelling a shipment before collection will not incur any costs and will reverse the initial shipping charge.
  • Charges will still apply if a shipment is cancelled after collection. A manual “Admin credit” will have to be added to reverse the initial charge

To uncancel a shipment, either changes the status or duplicate the shipment (which generates a new waybill).

How to change a shipment's status

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details. 

Change the shipment status by selecting an option from the Status dropdown menu. The status will automatically update across all pages after you save.

Note that changes to shipment statuses will have an effect on the shipment’s billing and communication.

How to change shipment statuses or drivers in bulk

Use the bulk editor feature if you have more than one shipment that needs to be updated.  

Go to your shipments page and select the relevant shipments by clicking on the tick boxes next to the shipments.

Then go to the Bulk edit icon on the right-hand side of the page and apply the necessary changes to the status or driver. All changes made will apply to all selected shipments.

Click Save when done to apply all the changes.

How to email contact persons in bulk

Using the Bulk actions dropdown, the selected shipments’ senders, receivers, and account holders can be contacted.

Go to the Bulk edit icon on the right-hand side of the page and select an email option from the dropdown.

A new modal will appear where you can compile a message.

Type out your text or paste some HTML along with adding a subject line and then click on Send email when done.

Selected contacts will now receive an email containing your custom message.

How to change the driver assigned to a collection/delivery

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details. 

Go to the collection/delivery section and change the driver by selecting one from the dropdown menu.

The new driver will receive a push notification on their device and the shipment will appear in their App’s trip sheet.

How to change the collection/delivery address on a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details.

Edit the collection/delivery address and/or the instructions by clicking on the edit icon .

Enter the new address and click on Save in the bottom right corner.

Note: New rates might be recalculated upon saving if the address change is significant enough  

How to change a parcel's dimensions, weight and description

Select and open the relevant waybill to view the shipment details, then scroll to the Parcel Details section and click on the  icon to edit the parcel details.

Add more parcels individually or in bulk .

Cancel parcels individually if they are no longer part of the shipment .

Make the necessary changes and click on Save in the bottom right corner to finalise the changes. 

Changes made to dimensions and weight may affect the rate of the entire shipment. Confirm the new rate to complete the change.

How to add more parcels to a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details.

Scroll to the Parcel details section and click on the icon to edit the parcel section.

Click on Add another parcel to add additional pieces to the shipment

Add more parcels individually or in bulk .

Save when done.

Note that adding additional parcels to a shipment might lead to rate changes. Accept the new rate after you have added parcels to complete and update the shipment.

How to remove parcels from a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details. 

Scroll to the Parcels section, click on the pencil icon to edit and then click on the bin icon to remove/delete the parcel from the shipment.

Note that removing parcels from a shipment might lead to rate changes. Accept the new rate after you have removed your parcels to complete and update the shipment.

How to change a shipment's service level

Select the relevant waybill and open to view the shipment details.

Scroll to the Service type section and click on the icon .

  1. View all relevant service levels for the shipment.
  2. Select and/or change the required service level.
  3. Accept the changes and Save at the bottom.

The waybill’s initial shipping charge will automatically be reversed and the new rate will be applied.

Note: Service levels can also be changed after editing the shipment address and/or parcel details.

How to add credit/debit to a shipment

Select the relevant waybill and open it to view the shipment details.

Scroll to the Billing section and click on Add transaction in the right-hand corner.

Choose the required transaction from the dropdown menu and directly add it to the shipment.

This transaction will now be listed in the Billing transactions list for the relevant account.

How to add and send notes on a shipment

Select a shipment and scroll down to the notes section at the bottom.

Click within the text box to start typing a custom note and then select a sending option below if you would like to email the note as well.

Click Add note to complete and this action. Your note will be saved to the shipment and emailed to the relevant contacts.

Don’t forget to save when you are done.

Shipment notes are only visible to other admin users and not to the drivers assigned to the shipment.


Collection requests are for those shipments that have no delivery address and only need to be collected. Customers can request a collection only and have multiple parcels and/or shipments for the driver to collect. Ship Logic allows the customers to request bulk collections and even schedule them to repeat every week. 

How to request a collection 

Navigate to Collection requests in the menu on the left. Request a collection by clicking on the blue request button on the right. 

Start by selecting the relevant account and then move on to setting the collection address, contact details, when to collect and how many parcels to collect.

Click Submit request when done.

The request will now move to the main collection request page.

How to request a recurring collection 

Navigate to Collection requests in the menu on the left and go to the Recurring collection request tab.

Request a recurring collection by clicking on the blue request button on the right. 

Start by selecting the relevant account and setting the collection address. Fill in some contact details and schedule the day of the week on which the collection should take place.

Click Submit request when done.

What to do with unassigned collection requests

Click on the Collection unassigned status and then scroll down to the Collection section and click on the dropdown next to the driver

Select a driver to assign to the collection and click Save.

The collection status will update automatically once a driver has been selected. The request will be sent to the driver app and they will be notified to go and collect. 

How to reschedule a collection request

Open the relevant request by clicking on the collection.

Click on the blue pencil icon next to Earliest collection to edit. 

Change the collection details and click Save.

How to cancel a collection request

Open the relevant request and click on the gear icon in the top right corner.

Select Cancel collection request and Read the pop-up carefully to either cancel or keep the collection request.


At the heart of our software is our integrated maps feature, which makes it incredibly easy for you to define driver zones, create main and regional areas, outline locations that require a surcharge, and specify areas that are only serviced on certain days.

Set up each map different from the other as each map will have its own unique function throughout the system.   


How to create a new zone on the map

Go to the relevant map and click on Edit zones in the right-hand corner. 

Once in edit mode, click on the draw tool icon next to the selector icon and then go to the spot on the map where you wish to draw the new zone

Start your zone by clicking on the map to select your first point then click on the map again to complete the first line of your new zone. Continue by clicking on the map to draw the rest of your zone. 

Complete the zone by joining the first and last node. This will prompt a pop-up where you can give the zone some details and then Save to finish. 

How to edit a zone on the map

Go to the relevant map, click on the zone you want to edit and accept the pop-up or alternatively, click on the Edit zones button in the right-hand corner.

This will open the edit mode and allow you to change the zone where needed.

When selecting a zone, you’ll be able to change the zone by dragging the nodes to the new desired points.

When done editing, click on Save to update the edited zone.

How to delete a zone on the map

Open the relevant map and click on the Edit zones button in the top right-hand corner.

Select the zone you want to delete and click on the bin icon in the panel on the right

How to delete a node when editing a zone

Open the relevant map and click on the Edit zones button in the top right-hand corner.

Select the zone you want to edit and then go to the node you want to delete. Hover over the node and right-click to delete.


With Google Maps integrated into our powerful software, you can easily create your own zones and assign them to different drivers, eliminating the need to integrate with external maps software. This allows the system to seamlessly auto-assign new collections and deliveries to your drivers based on the zone in which the shipment address is located, freeing up valuable time for your operations managers to focus on problematic shipments. To make it even more exciting, these zones are completely editable in real-time, empowering you to refine your drivers’ zones or even to assign a different driver to a specific area if the primary driver is unavailable for that day. This ensures that your customers’ parcels are always collected and delivered no matter what the circumstances are.

In short, you’ll have a bird’s eye view of all your drivers, the locations of all shipments, and who is responsible for each shipment. If that’s not full control over your fleet, then we don’t know what is.

Note: Drivers must be created as users before being assigned to zones.

How to add a new zone and assign a driver to the map

Go to the Drivers map and click on the Edit zones button in the top right corner.

Once you’re in edit mode, click on the Draw tool icon at the top of the map . This tool allows you to draw a zone, assign a driver and add a colour to the zone.

Complete the zone details and assign a driver to the zone by selecting one from the drop-down.

Click Save to continue.

How to change the driver assigned to a zone

Click on the zone you want to edit and accept the pop-up. Change the driver for the zone in the panel on the right by selecting a different driver from the drop-down menu.

When done, click on SaveThe new driver will now receive all notifications related to shipments in that zone.

Drivers need to be added as users before they can be assigned to a new driver zone. 

How to see which driver is assigned to a zone

Open the Driver map and search for the relevant zone in the left-hand panel.

The name of the driver that is assigned to the zone appears below the name of the zone. 

You can also hover over a zone to see the zone’s name, as well as the driver assigned.


How to add a new branch to the map

Navigate to Maps and click on the Branches tab at the top. Then click on Edit zones to open edit mode.

Start by drawing your new branch zone on the map and saving the zone details.

Complete the details by filling in an address and contact details for the branch.

These contact details will be needed when customers request special trips near this branch. 

Set one branch to the default branch by selecting default branch in the zone details. All users, accounts and shipments will be reassigned to the default branch should their respective branches be removed. 


How to add a new zone to the Rates, Surcharges, or Service days maps

Navigate to Maps and click on the relevant tab at the top Rates, Surcharges or Service days and click on Edit zones.

Once you’re in edit mode, click on the Draw tool at the top of the map. These tools help you to create new zones on the maps.

Complete the zone details by adding a zone name, tags and a colour in the panel on the right. 

Tags are used to identify zones when setting up rates and estimates. Create a tag and reuse the same tag across different zones to link zones to one rate or surcharge. 

Save the new zone when done.

How to create and manage tags for the Rates, Surcharges, or Service days maps

Tags are used to identify, define and group zones with similar rates, surcharges, or service days. 

For example:

• “Regional areas” for rates,

• “Embassies” for surcharges, and

• “Mondays only” for service days.

Click on Create new tag or manage existing ones.

Click on Manage tags to go to the current maps’ tag page to edit and manage existing tags.


Improve parcel management at your hub by using our integrated hub scanner technology. Simplify your process by scanning bulk parcels as “at hub” or “out for delivery” when using the built-in hub scanner, eliminating the need for additional software to integrate with your system. Using the built-in hub scanner, you can easily see which parcels are expected to be scanned as “at hub” or “out for delivery” per driver, significantly reducing the risk of lost parcels in your warehouse and effectively maximising your overall parcel management.

How to use the Hub scanner

Go to Hub scanner in the left-hand navigation menu and select a hub from the drop-down. If the logged-in user is limited to the branch, then there will be no branch option as the hub scanner will automatically be linked to the chosen branch. 

More drop-down menus will appear as you complete the information.


If plugged in, the scanner will become active and ready for use.

Scan the shipment and wait a split second for the GREEN or RED screen to appear to confirm if the scan had been successful.

The scanner is immediately ready to continue scanning

The scanner is immediately ready to continue scanning after the first scan. Each shipment is updated accordingly per scan and customers are notified where requested. 

How to add tags to shipments with the hub scanner

Tag shipments in bulk using the hub scanner.

Go to hub scanner and select the toggle to add the tag function to the current scan session. Choose an option from the tag action menu and then add some tags to complete the action.

What to do if the hand-held hub scanner doesn't work

If the hand-held scanner doesn’t work, you can manually enter the parcel reference into the provided space at the top of the page.

Press enter to submit the parcel reference.

What to do if a parcel is highlighted in red

Invalid parcels will appear in red. This means that the parcel is not created or not registered on the system.

You can Retry the scanner and if the parcel is still not found, you can ask an operations manager for assistance.


Use Interhub manifests for those shipments travelling between major hubs or centres. Easily create manifests and scan all relevant parcels into the manifest in order to update their tracking status to “In transit”

Use the manifest to track missing parcels and also to add tags to shipments while scanning them from the manifest.

How to create a manifest

Create a new manifest by going to Interhub manifests in the left-hand navigation menu and then clicking on Create new manifest in the top right corner.

Complete the manifest details  and select Create manifest to complete. 

Once created, you can open the manifest and start scanning the relevant parcels to add to the manifest. 

How to edit the manifest details

Open the manifest you wish to edit and click on the edit icon next to Manifest details.

Change/edit the information as needed and click on Update manifest to save the changes made.

How to add shipments to a manifest

Use the scanner to outbound or inbound shipments and parcels in the manifest. Open the manifest and start scanning.

  • Outbound (scanned in as leaving the origin hub)
  • Inbound (scanned in as entering the destination hub)

Please note: You can manually enter the shipment/parcel reference if the scanner is not available or not working.

How to find missing parcels in a manifest

Open the relevant manifest and go to the right-hand side of the page. 

Select the toggle “Missing parcels” and view all the parcels still outstanding in the list below.


How to view manifest shipments on the main shipment page

Open the relevant manifest and go to the additional settings icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Click on View on shipments page to go to the main page.

How to download a manifest CSV

Open the relevant manifest and go to the additional settings icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Choose the Download CSV option.

How to delete a manifest

Select the manifest(s) you wish to remove and then click on the trash icon found on the right-hand side of the page .

How to remove shipments from a manifest

Open the relevant manifest and go to the list of scanned shipments.

Click on the trash icon next to the shipment you wish to remove and confirm the removal. 

How to close a manifest

Open a manifest and go to the right-hand side of the manifest page.

Click on the Close manifest button to close the manifest.

How to print a manifest

Open the relevant manifest and go to the manifest details section. Click on Download PDF and wait for the PDF to open in a new tab.

The manifest will be downloadable and printable in this new tab. 


The Billing section is used to import payments that were made by account holders.

When imported correctly, payments are auto-assigned to the relevant accounts.


How to import payments

Open Billing and click on the Import payments option found on your right-hand side.

To import payments, ensure that the file is in the correct format. Where applicable, also ensure that the account code is entered correctly.

Download an example template from the pop-up. Use this excel template to add the payment info you wish to import in bulk.

When ready, click on Upload file. The file can be uploaded in either CSV or XLSX format. 

Confirm your import and click on Import payments.

The import page will open where you can see all the payments imported in that session.

What to do with unassigned payments

Go to Billing and click on the relevant imported payment to open and view.

Search for the Unassigned payments and click on the red unassigned label next to a payment to open.

Search for the relevant account that the payment should be assigned to and click on Assign payment to complete the action.

The payment status will now change to Assigned.


Where to access all invoices and credit notes

Open Billing and click on the All invoices or All credit notes tab.

Search for a specific invoice or credit note number or sort them by a specific category, such as Account or Date.

Click on the invoice or credit note to open, view and download its details. 

Invoices are downloadable in both PDF or CSV format.

Please note: Invoices will be sent via email to the billing contact entered for that account. Invoice frequency can be set in an account’s billing section.

How to download an invoice or credit note

Open Billing and click on the All invoices or All credit notes tab.

Search for a specific invoice or credit note number and click to open. 

Click on Download PDF or Download CSV  on the right-hand side of the page.

Please allow the pop-up on your browser. The PDF will open in a pop-up and then be able to download or print.


Accounts are the direct link between your business and the customer, where clients can set up with either prepaid or postpaid accounts in order to ship their products via your courier service. Use the customer accounts page to manage your clients, get statements, upload payments and much more, all in one place.


How to search for an account

Open Accounts in the left-hand navigation menu and enter the account name or account code of the account you are looking for in the search box at the top of the page.

Click on the account to open, view and manage its account and billing details.

How to change an account's details

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit. 

In the Account details section, click on the pencil icon to edit the account details.

Change the account details as needed and click on Save at the bottom of the page.

How to add more staff or users to an account

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit.

Click to open the account, scroll to the Account users section and click on Create new user.

Select a user role and enter the user’s details.

There are two roles for account users called Account User and Account Super User. The Superuser roles are used for main account holders to access their account settings and billing info. For ordinary staff, use the Account User role as this role is very limited and restricts access to the account settings and billing info.

Save by clicking on Create user.

The new user will receive an email with their username and a temporary password that they can use to log into the account.

How to upload and view notes on an account

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit.

Click on the Notes tab at the top of the page.

Enter a new note in the provided space OR click on Upload file to add external files with notes. 

Click Save to upload the file and click Add note to save your notes.

Notes cannot be deleted by other users but can be viewed by all. ONLY the original note creator can remove their own note.

How to impersonate an account

Impersonation: To access a client’s account without using their login details.

Go to accounts in the left-hand navigation menu and search for the account you wish to edit.

On the Account details page, scroll to the Account users section and click on the rocket icon next to the user to impersonate that account. 

This allows you to act as the client while performing an action on their account.

Exit the impersonation when done to return to the main account page


How to change the billing address and contact of an account

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit. Go to the Billing address and Billing contact section on the right.

Click on the pencil icon   next to the relevant section to edit the details.

Please note: Invoices will be sent via email to the billing contact entered for the account.

Save at the bottom of the page when done.

How to view an account's billing information

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit.

Click on the account to open and then click on the Billing tab at the top of the page.

Here you’ll be able to see all Billing details, Billing transactions, Invoices and Credit notes related to the account.

How to change/update an account's billing details

In the Billing details section, click on the pencil icon to change the account’s billing details

e.g. Account type, when invoices are due, setting a credit limit, invoice frequency, etc.

Change the account from Prepaid to Postpaid.

Click Save at the bottom to save the changes you have made.

Where to find an account's invoices and credit notes

Choose an account, scroll down and click on the Invoices or Credit notes tab

Use the search function to find invoices or credit notes and filter by date to narrow your search.

How to get a statement for an account

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit.

Click to open and then click on Get statement in the top right corner of the page.

Enter the relevant dates in the pop-up and click on Get statement

A PDF document will download to your computer.

Please allow the pop-up on your browser.

The PDF will open in a pop-up and then be able to download or print.

How to add a transaction to an account

Open accounts and search for the account you wish to edit.

Click on Add transaction in the top right corner of the page.

Select a transaction type, add a description and a waybill number, if applicable, and add the amount.

Click on Add transaction to apply the transaction to the account.

The transaction will be captured in the account’s billing transactions for reference afterwards. 

Billing transaction types

The initial charge on a shipment during the parcel sending process based on the dimensions, weight, and service level. 

This action occurs when a parcel has gone through a SWAD machine and different dimensions and weight was recorded than what was entered by the person who created the shipment, thus resulting in a different shipment charge. The shipping charge reversal is then applied to the initial shipping charge so that the adjusted shipping charge can take effect.

This is the new charge that is applied to the shipment after going through the SWAD machine. 

A payment that was made by the client to the courier company. 

A payment reversal is applied when a mistake was made with the original payment.

A refund transaction is added when paying out credits to a customer. 

A refund reversal is applied to reverse a refund transaction if a mistake was made. 

When a client’s account balance is increased for any reason. 

When a client’s account balance is reduced due to possible mistakes when credit was applied.

When credit is applied to a client’s account for promotional reasons.

A promotional debit is applied when a mistake was made with the provided promotional credit. 

This transaction type is used to correct mistakes to balances if none of the other transaction types suffices.

This transaction type is used to correct mistakes to balances if none of the other transaction types suffices.

When outstanding debt cannot be recovered and needs to be written off.

This transaction is applied when a mistake has been made with the original debt write-off.



Ship Logic uses roles to define the permissions that certain users may or may not have. A list of Global roles are available to choose from or you can create your own custom role.

Select a role to assign to a user when creating or updating their profile. These roles come with a set of permissions that allow the user to access certain features on the system. 

Always be careful when creating new roles. Some permissions are quite powerful. Rather ask our support for assistance when you are unsure about some permissions.

How to add a new role to the system

Open the Role Management page in the top right-hand corner of the screen by clicking on the Manage roles button.

Click on Create new role and start by giving the new role a name and description and then moving on to select all the relevant permissions needed for this role. 

Click Save when done and find the new role in your role management list.

How to modify a role and update its permissions

Open the Role management page and click on the role you wish to update. 

Change the role name and description, view the audit trail, duplicate the role or delete the role.

Click Save when done.

All users with the role will be automatically updated with the new permissions and changes.


How to add a new user to the system

Go to Users in the left-hand navigation menu. 

Click on Create new user in the top right-hand corner and complete the information. 

Then click on Create user in the bottom right-hand corner when done.

Newly created users receive an email and/or SMS with their username and a temporary password that they can use to log in to the system the first time. 

During this process, they’ll be able to set their own new (private) password.

How to change a user's details

Go to Users and search for the relevant user or select the user from the list below.

Click on the user to open their details and then click on the pencil icon next to the details you wish to edit.

Choose between Contact details or Operational details.

How to change a user's role

Go to Users and search for the relevant user or select the user from the list below. 

Click on the pencil icon next to Operational details and click on Change user role.

Select the new role from the dropdown menu and click on Save when done.

How to remove a user from the system

Go to Users and search for the relevant user or select the user from the list below. 

Open their details, navigate to the top right corner, and click on Delete user.

Note: A deleted user’s username cannot be reused in any new user that is created

Global users

Ship Logic provides you with a list of users to choose from when creating users for your company. Each user needs to be assigned a role to obtain the relevant user-rights required. 

Below are the different global user types and the features they have access to


By using Ship Logic, you can easily create various service levels to provide your customers with a wide range of options to choose from when sending a parcel. This allows them to choose a delivery option that best suits their courier needs. 

Seamlessly maintain and update your rates at any time to reduce the loss of profit due to local and international economic changes. You can also assign your customers to different groups and set out special rates for them by adjusting the rates per group or customer, effectively increasing customer satisfaction for your loyal clients.


What is a rate revision?

All rates are linked to a rate revision which is effective for a certain period of time. Rate revisions are used to revise rates for an upcoming period. All revisions created can be altered/changed before the effective date.

Please note that only future-dated and draft rate revisions can be edited

For example:

  • If you want to update rates for next year, you can create a rate revision with the effective date as 1 January next year.
  • If you want the date to be effective immediately, create a rate revision with “Current time” as the effective date and time. A draft rate revision will be created. Alter the appropriate rates and click Publish to activate the rates immediately.

How to create a new rate revision

Go to Rates and Estimates in the left-hand navigation menu.

Go to the dropdown menu next to Rate revision and click on Create rate revision.

Complete the information in the pop-up and add the new rate when done.

Your new rate revision will now be available as a draft to edit

Publish your new revision after you have made all the changes to put it into effect.

How to edit a rate revision

Go to Rates and Estimates in the left-hand navigation menu and then click on the dropdown menu next to Rate revision.

Select the draft revision you wish to edit.

Once selected, click on the pencil icon next to Revision details

Edit the information and click on Update rate revision to save.

Please note: Only future-dated and draft rate revisions can be edited.

How to delete a rate revision

Go to Rates and Estimates in the left-hand navigation menu and then click on the dropdown menu next to Rate revision.

Select the draft revision you wish to edit.

Click on the red Delete rate revision button on the right-hand side of the page.

Read the pop-up warning and click on Delete to remove.

How to duplicate current rates for the future

Go to Rates and estimates and click on the Rates and transit times tab at the top. 

Open the dropdown menu next to Rate revision and click on Create rate revision.

A pop-up window will appear.

Select the Duplicate from the dropdown menu and choose an existing rate revision or start with a blank revision.

Complete the rest of the information by selecting your effective future dates. 

Click on Add rate revision to save.

How to add service levels to your rate revision

Go to the Rates and Estimates page and select a draft revision. 

Scroll to Service levels and click on Add service levels.

Create the service level by completing the information required in the pop-up modal.

Click add service level when done.

Use the info bubbles to find out more. 

Once created, the new service level will be listed and will be available to add rates too.

What are rate groups used for?

Preferential rates can be set up using Rate groups. All accounts belong to the Default group and can belong to a number of other rate groups as well. An account’s rate will be determined by the lowest rate across the rate groups that the account belongs to. 

Please ensure that the Default group consists of the highest rates and that the other rate groups thus offer discounted rates of the Default group’s rates.

How to create a new rate group and link it to specific accounts

Go to the rate and estimates page and select a draft revision.

Scroll to the Rate groups section and click on Create new group

Enter the group name in the provided pop-up and click on Create group.

Click on the new group to edit and link accounts.

Click on Link accounts in the top right corner and select the relevant accounts from the list or search using the search bar. 

Click on Link to add the accounts and Complete the rest of the information and set up the group.


Click on Save at the bottom when done.

How to create and set up different rates for different accounts

Scroll to the Rate groups section and click to open the relevant group linked to the relevant accounts.

Scroll to Rates, choose a service level, click to expand, and then click on Add rate to create new rates.

Fill in the new rate information and then click on the calculator button to add/edit the rate.

There are a few rate options from Flat rates and formulas to No rates and Zero rates.

Choose the correct rate and fill in an amount.

Set different rates for additional parcels in a shipment by selecting the checkbox.

When done, click on Update rate and then click on Save to complete the action.


What service days are used for

Service days are used to define which zones are serviced on which days, and between which times. All zones – by default – are serviced on the days/times defined in the Default settingsIf a zone or a set of zones are serviced on days/times differing from the Default, you can specify them by clicking on Add service days.

How to set up an area's service days

Go to Rates and estimates and click on the Service days tab at the top. 

Click on Add service days and select the dropdown menu next to Zone/tag.

Select Zone and search for your zone in the list or search using the provided search bar.

Choose the relevant service days by selecting the tick boxes as well as changing the service times as needed.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner to apply the changes.

All zones and tags for service areas need to be set up in the service days map


How public holidays affect daily operations

Public holidays refer to days on which no collections and/or deliveries are made. These days will be skipped when determining collection and delivery time estimates.

How to set up my company's public holidays

Add a new public holiday by selecting the Add public holiday option.

Fill in the required information and click on Add public holiday when done.

Click on Save at the bottom of the page to complete.



Where to set your company's Privacy policy and Terms and conditions

Navigate to Settings and click on the General tab at the top of the page. 

Link the Policy and T&Cs by adding the external URL.

Click on Save when done.

How to change the company logo

Navigate to Settings and click on the General tab at the top of the page.  In the Company logo section, click on Choose file to select the logo from your computer. 

Once the file is selected, click on Upload and set your new logo. Company logos will appear in shipment waybills/labels and in emails sent by the system.

How to set or change your company's office hours

Navigate to Settings and click on the General tab at the top of the page. 

Scroll to the Office hours section and enter your new office hours.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner.

Office hours are used to determine collection time estimates presented to clients when sending a parcel or submitting a collection request. These office hours also determine the default operating hours for “Service days”.

Where to set or change your company's support contact details

Navigate to Settings and click on the General tab at the top of the page. 

Scroll to the Support contact details section. 

Set/change details as needed and click Save in the bottom right corner.


Please note that these details will appear in all emails sent by the system.

Where to set the values shown on your dashboard

Navigate to Settings and click on the General tab at the top of the page. 

Scroll to Dashboard settings to personalise the shipment feedback reflected on your dashboard.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner.

How to exclude system features

Navigate to Settings and click on the General tab at the top of the page. 

Scroll down to the Exclude features section, where you can select system features to exclude from your or your operators’ use and views.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner.


Where to add the company's billing contact

Navigate to Settings and go to the Rates and Billing tab

Fill in the billing contact details for the company.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner.

Where to set or change the company's invoice settings

Navigate to Settings and go to the Rates and Billing tab

Scroll to the Invoice settings section.

Complete the invoice details and set when to invoice a shipment by selecting an option from the dropdown menu.

Click on Save when done.

How to set a maximum declared value for insurance

Scroll and click on the Rates settings section. Here you will find the option to set the maximum declared value for insurance.

Fill in the relevant amount and click on Save in the bottom right corner.

How to set additional rate settings

Go to the Rates and billing tab and scroll to the Rates settings section. 

Additional rate settings are available

If disabled, the most expensive rate between two rate groups is chosen.

If disabled, then account users won’t be able to see billing transactions 

This percentage sets the difference allowed when rates are recalculated and flags shipments above this threshold.


Where to set the allowed payment methods for your courier company

Scroll down to the Payment methods section.

Choose between PayFast and EFT. 

Complete the payment details and click Save at the bottom. 

These are the payment options presented to clients when they send parcels.


How to set your own default parcel types 

Set up custom parcel types with their own set of dimensions and weights. This allows your customers to easily choose from a list of predefined parcel sizes when getting quotes via the quest portal. 

Click on the Parcel types tab to manage your types of parcels

Add more parcel types and click Save when done.

How to delete default parcel types 

Go to Parcel types and click on the trash icon next to the type you wish to delete.


How to set up additional fields for an account

Custom fields are used to add additional custom information to an account.

For example, if you want to capture the branch an account is registered at, simply create a custom field called “Sales Representative”.

In this example, sales representatives are defined as a predefined list. To prevent unnecessary mistakes, choose the “List of options” type and enter each sales representative as an option.

After defining the custom field, it will appear on the account screen where you can capture the value.


Where to set or change the proof of delivery settings

Navigate to Settings and go to the Driver app tab. 

Scroll down to the Proof of delivery settings section, set new POD settings or change existing settings, and click on Save in the bottom right corner.

Please note: The driver needs to close and reopen the Driver app for the changes to take effect.

Where to set or change the driver app settings

Scroll down to the Drivers settings section and change the settings as required by selecting the tick boxes as needed.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner to complete the changes.

How to set the notification schedule for your drivers

Navigate to Settings and go to the Driver app tab. 

Scroll to push notification schedule and set the time you wish your drivers to receive push notifications on their logged-in devices.

How to set driver location settings

Navigate to Settings and go to the Driver app tab. 

Scroll to Driver location settings and set the frequency of when the driver’s location is captured. 

The more frequent, the more accurate, but more battery is consumed.

How to manage, set, and update the predefined reasons for rejecting a shipment, failed collection attempts, and failed delivery attempts

Navigate to Settings, go to the Driver app tab. and scroll to the Predefined reasons section.

Change existing reasons, add new reasons or remove reasons.

Newly-set reasons first need to be created here before being made available for drivers to choose from when rejecting or failing a shipment.

Click on Save in the bottom right corner to save your changes.


Where to set email notification details

Navigate to Settings and go to the Notifications tab.

This email address specifies the address from which emails are sent.

The email address has to be verified with Ship Logic. Therefore, please contact Ship Logic before this setting is changed, otherwise no emails will be sent successfully.

Where to set which emails are sent to clients

Navigate to Settings and go to the Notifications tab.

Scroll to the Email notifications section.

These are the default email notifications that will be selected for anyone with an account.

Customers will receive emails when shipments reach the respective statuses.

Where to set which SMSs are sent to clients

Navigate to Settings and go to the Notifications tab.

Scroll to the SMS notifications section. 

These are the default SMS notifications that are selected for anyone with an account.


Reports are needed for all different types of departments.

Ship Logic offers a variety of reports to choose from with the click of a button. 

Go to Reports in your left-hand navigation menu and click on the desired report, select a date range to generate and then download.

The user will receive an email with their chosen report attached.

Report types

Invoices less credit notes broken down by VAT type over a period of time together with statement transactions for the same period.

Net sales by account, collection, delivery and on behalf branches over a period of time (based on what has been invoiced*).

Net sales (invoices less credit notes) by account over a period of time (based on what has been invoiced*).

Billing transactions by account over a period of time (not based on invoiced).

Amounts due by account: Current, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days breakdown (based on payment date of invoices* and run as at a specified date).

A list of all accounts with information required to calculate sales agent commission.

Historic driver performance over a period of time.

CSV file used by the Hikvision ecosystem to link tracking events to video footage.